Harnessing the power
of geospatial data
to shape community development

May 2021

To mark the achievement of becoming techUK's Geospatial Champion, we wanted to give back
and provide some nuggets of knowledge

Although awareness of geospatial data is growing, how it can be used to both understand and form new communities is still hazy. We wanted to add some clarity to the subject by outlining the potential benefits it brings to any development, as well as some inspirations and benchmarks we’ve come across.

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What is Geospatial Data?

Geospatial or location-based data provides information on specific places, communities or governmental regions. It merges the best of two worlds i.e. robust regional statistics that can also be used on a hyper-local scale.

Benefits of Using Geospatial Data

  • Provides metrics of the ‘here and now’ for a specific region or locality, giving you the basis to deeply understand the local community across a number of social, environmental and economic attributes
  • Creates project efficiencies in the critical first step of property development, able to quickly filter through the noise while also flagging the strengths & weaknesses of a given area
  • Allows for comparative analysis from location to location across a range of factors giving context to the data at hand while also ensuring that ‘no stone is left unturned’

The real value in geospatial data is
to have the analytical prowess to ‘dig deeper’.
Converting data into insight is key!

Inspirational Examples


The Community Audit Tool

Collates over 20 socio-environmental attributes to determine the overall health of a community (available in London & the USA)

Tranquil Cities

Uses pollution data to discover the most relaxing places in London


Maps every tree in the UK and identifies their various eco-benefits

Data is just the beginning…

For us, leveraging geospatial data is just the first step to building better places.
It forms part of a wider approach where our analytics, insights and visioning capabilities converge to create future proof propositions for real estate.

Click here to discover more about our approach

Further reading

The Red Hat