We are a diverse ‘portfolio of minds’, bringing together global brand stewards, digital tech chiefs, professors, marketers, urban designers, real estate professionals and behavioural scientists.
“We have just won a million dollar contract for a high-end research project into US shopping malls, but we don’t know much about retail. We’d love you to help us. Could you?”.
Thus started a conversation during a lunch break at an Advisory Board meeting at the Economics Ministry in Vienna between a Chicago-based math science professor and our founder, Karl Kalcher.
At first, the answer was ‘no thanks’, reflecting Karl’s managerial irritation with long research reports that used many words to deliver far too little. But the epiphany came during a subsequent visit to Chicago, when confronted with the amazing insights that high-end research such as ‘Advanced Choice Analytics’ et al could provide for senior decision makers. That did it. The research critic turned into a fan and it laid the foundations for MindFolio’s raison d’etre: Solutions based on Analytics, Insights and Visioning…
Glen Ellyn